Our standard delivery is made by one driver and usually takes 2 to 3 working days (2.5meter units may take upto 5 working days) to UK mainland and excludes surrounding Islands (On certain postal codes in Scotland delivery charges may apply) and includes off-loading only. It is the customers own responsibility to take the goods inside the premises, therefore it is advisable that the customer checks with their dealer, what if any special conditions apply to the product being purchased. Please note it is your responsibility to check that the goods physically fit the site and fit the buyers requirements as there will be a minimum of 25% restocking charge (please see returns section below for full details). Should you have any queries regarding access please contact our transport department and we will do our best to assist.
All goods must be checked and signed for by the customer upon delivery as claims cannot be sanctioned if goods have been signed for as ok or taken out of its original packaging. Direct Wholesale Marketing will not take any responsibility for damage to goods if signed for by the customer as unchecked and that the damage must be reported within 24 hours of delivery.
All deliveries are subject to there being a reasonable place for parking and unloading of the vehicle.
Buyer assistance will be required on site unless the item is small enough to be handled by the driver.
2 Man Deliveries: £85 (per pallet)
2 man delivery is restricted to certain postcodes and pallet size therefore it is the dealers’ responsibility to check with DWM prior to delivery to save any unnecessary charges.
For 2 Man deliveries please allow 3-5 working days and consists of taking the goods into the premises, removal of the packaging and positioning of the goods and excludes any glass assembly. To save unnecessary charges It is the dealer’s responsibility to carry out site checks prior to delivery to check for any obstructions which could lead to an aborted delivery, for further information on obstructions please call the office on 01132 707 303.
Next Day/Specific Deliveries
Next day and timed deliveries are available at an extra cost, For Next day deliveries orders must be placed before 12pm, Please see list below for specific deliveries we offer and for charges on next day and specific deliveries please call the office on 01132 707 303.
Next Day: POR
Before 10am: POR
AM/PM Delivery: POR
Specific time: POR
Saturday AM Delivery: POR
Delivery prices were correct at the time of publication, however DWM reserve the right to correct any misprint or advertised prices to co-inside with any fuel charges or increase in transport costs before an order is placed unless otherwise agreed. Our standard delivery is made by one driver and usually takes 2 to 3 working days to UK mainland and excludes surrounding Islands (On certain postal codes in Scotland delivery charges may apply) and includes off-loading only.
Goods dispatched by DWM which are refused by the buyer upon delivery through no fault of DWM will be subject to a minimum restocking charge of 25% of the invoiced value and any goods agreed by DWM as acceptable for return will be at the buyer’s expense and is down to the buyer to arrange for the return of the goods, DWM reserve the right to refuse any returned goods which are not in the same condition or in the original packaging (please call DWM for clarification) as of the date of despatch by DWM.
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